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15: Tara Poole, Coordinator of City of Ballarat’s “Creative City” Strategy

Tara Poole with Adam Scott
5:20:25 17 December 2021



Tara urges us to push beyond the rhetoric of re-ignition, to how we might better nurture the flame with long-term support for the micro-enterprises, creative start-ups and community-partnerships… And all spinning around a transformed shopping street – Bridge Mall – a powerful precedent for how public and private interests can unite around a shared vision.

Become an honorary Balla-fornian in Episode 15 with Tara Poole and subscribe to FreeThinking wherever you get your podcasts!


Adam Scott, Founder, FreeState
Tara Poole, Coordinator – Creative City, City of Ballarat


Image credit: Larry Vila Pouca




Regenerating the high street: funding, localism, engagement



16: Kat Hanna, Masterplan Strategist, Lendlease